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As our expedition progresses, our path now leads us to Cholula, Mexico


Embedded within the ancient cultures of Mexico, one of the most captivating mythologies unfolds—a tale that traces its roots to the enigmatic city of Cholula, nestled in the Puebla region east of Mexico City. Despite its modern facade, Cholula harbours a hidden secret, shrouded in the annals of history. In Mexico, history has often been penned by the victors, and when the Spanish conquistadores arrived in Cholula in 1519, they perpetrated a brutal massacre, obliterating the ancient civilization that had preceded them. However, they could not erase everything.

Dominating the city's landscape, a colossal hill stands, crowned by a church erected by the conquistadores—a hill that conceals more than meets the eye. This structure, known as the Great Pyramid of Cholula, is not merely an ordinary mound but a testament to one of the largest monuments ever constructed. Astonishingly, this ancient wonder has remained largely unknown, hidden from our collective awareness.

After centuries of neglect and pillaging, comprehending the magnitude of the former structure that graced Cholula becomes a daunting task. Recent discoveries, illustrated in the accompanying image of this blog, provide us with a glimpse into the probable appearance of the pyramid. It is believed that the Great Pyramid of Cholula soared to a height of approximately 65 meters. Evidence suggests that the structure was originally dedicated to the ancient Mexican god of rain and floods, known as Tlaloc to the Aztecs. Although not as towering as the Giza Pyramid in Egypt, it surpassed its Egyptian counterpart in size, boasting a footprint of 400 by 400 meters—three times larger than the Giza Pyramid.

Archaeologists surmised that the construction of the pyramid was completed approximately 800 years ago. Yet, it was the exploration of the pyramid's interior that left them dumbfounded. As they delved into its depths, cutting tunnels through its ancient core, a breathtaking sight unfolded before their eyes. An intricate network of tunnels adorned with murals depicting mythological scenes and fantastical creatures unveiled itself, offering a captivating glimpse into the beliefs and stories of a lost era.

Extensive research led by anthropologist and archaeologist Geoff McCafferty from the University of Calgary has shed light on the profound structure of the pyramid of Cholula. Through the exploration of its tunnels, Mexican archaeologists made astonishing discoveries, revealing a succession of hidden ancient pyramids beneath. The pyramid we see today is the most recent, dating back to 800 AD. Below it lies an older pyramid from 300 AD, and further beneath, another pyramid dating back to 500 BC, measuring 17 meters in height and 12 meters in length. Over time, new pyramids were constructed atop the older ones, spanning a construction period of approximately 1,700 years or possibly even longer. While the architectural evolution is well-known, deeper investigations into the motives of the architects remain to be explored. Dr

McCafferty notes that the oldest pyramid was built atop a spring, serving as a spiritual gateway to the underworld, indicating the pyramids' significant sacred importance. It is intriguing to note the deliberate choice of a pyramid shape, a resemblance shared with Gunung Padang, as discussed in a previous blog, which also stands atop a sacred water spring—an intriguing coincidence indeed.

Pyramids built atop sacred places are a global phenomenon. In Giza, it is believed that the pyramid was constructed over the initial sacred chamber. Teotihuacan's Pyramid of the Sun also rests upon a natural cave. These pyramids serve as markers for previous sacred sites.

The Great Pyramid of Cholula shares similarities with pyramids worldwide. Reports from Father Bernadino de Sahagun mentioned hidden chambers and mines within Cholula's pyramid. Modern research has confirmed these findings, including an unexplored inner chamber with tunnel systems. Like Giza and Gunung Padang, Cholula's structure is aligned with the setting sun on the summer solstice. The shared features between these pyramids, despite no apparent contact, remain a mystery. While pyramids are often attributed to their practical construction, they are universally linked to spiritual concepts, particularly the afterlife.

Unlike Gunung Padang, the origin of Cholula's structure is unknown. However, a striking similarity exists. According to legend, Cholula was built by giants, a tale intertwined with the rain god Tlaloc and a great flood. While physical giants may not have existed, it's possible that Xelhau, the legendary architect, represented an intellectual giant from a lost civilization. This notion is supported by the presence of Tlaloc-related features in nearby Texcotzingo, including a naturally formed pyramid with interconnected terraces and a colossal statue dating back to 800 AD.

Tlaloc, an ancient figure in Mexican culture, predates the Aztecs, suggesting earlier knowledge of Tlaloc's existence. Another significant figure is Quetzalcoatl, who arrived in Mexico after the great flood, teaching essential aspects of civilization before departing. Interestingly, similar stories exist across different cultures, such as Prometheus in Greek mythology and Viracocha in pre-Andes culture. These shared narratives revolve around a world plunged into darkness by floods, followed by a figure who imparts knowledge to rebuild civilization. These legends may hold fragments of truth tied to the apocalyptic events of the Ice Age.

The connection between Tlaloc and Quetzalcoatl is evident at the ancient temples of Xochicalco. Here, two large pyramids dedicated to each deity stand, revealing insights into their origin stories. The temple of Quetzalcoatl depicts a scene of a burning temple engulfed by waves, alongside a figure of a powerful person fleeing from it. Although the temple may not be ancient, the underlying story dates back to the apocalypse at the end of the Ice Age, suggesting that intellectual giants fled and later returned to impart knowledge to our civilization. By delving beyond the constraints of traditional archaeology, the myth begins to hold significance.

Whispers of a lost civilization persist, weaving tales of human and intellectual giants emerging in times of chaos following a great cataclysm. These stories bear the indelible mark of an enigmatic civilization that once thrived. Yet, the question remains: where did this civilization dwell, and what other traces can we uncover? A treasure trove of additional clues awaits us, beckoning us to journey a quarter of the way around the globe. Fear not, for with just a single click, you shall find yourself transported to my next blog, where these mysteries shall be unveiled.

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